
By Simon Jones

Celebrating Two Years of Professional Services at Eightfold Property: A Journey of Growth and Success

As we mark the milestone of two years in business for our Professional Services Department, we are proud to reflect on our journey...

By Dan Lyons

Reflecting on the Growing Trend of Long-Term Tenancies

In the evolving landscape of the UK rental market, an intriguing trend has emerged: tenants are choosing to stay longer in their rental...

By Simon Jones

Leasehold Reform Act 2024: A Game-Changer for Leaseholders

As a Professional Services Director at Eightfold, I wanted to share the latest updates on the Leasehold Reform Act 2024, which has...

By Stacey Farmer

Is It Time To Make The Smart Move?

In the wild world of property management, keeping up with trends is as essential as finding the right tenant. In recent years, I've...

By Dan Lyons

How Important are Inventories?

Today's topic is a hot one: deposit deductions. Let's face it, no one enjoys that end-of-tenancy dance where you both circle the property,...

By James Hawley

The Death of the Renters Reform Bill

As pretty much anyone I've spoken to through the journey of the Renters Reform Bill and anyone receiving our Eightfold Property Newsletter...

By Robert Hawley

Insights and Trends of the Current Sales Market

As we navigate through 2024, the property sales market in the UK, particularly in Sussex and Brighton and Hove, presents an intriguing...

By James Hawley

Re-Introduction of Additional HMO Licensing

Brighton and Hove City Council have re-introduced their additional HMO Licencing Scheme for small HMO properties not included in the...

By James Hawley

Double Whammy for Empty Properties

Landlords, listen up! From 1st April this year, a new regulation came in relating to empty properties – a 100% council tax premium...

By James Hawley

Navigating the Maze: Essential Steps for Setting Up an Assured Shorthold Tenancy

So, you've got tenants lined up for your property. Congratulations! But before welcoming your first tenants through the door, it's...

By Dan Lyons

2023 Rent Growth

Let's delve into the topic of 2023, and how the landscape changed last year with a look at rent increases, acknowledging both the market...

By Robert Hawley

Larger First Time Deposits and their Effect on the Market

The dream of homeownership has always glittered for first-time buyers in the UK. But realising that dream has gotten tougher, thanks...