
By James Hawley

The Death of the Renters Reform Bill

As pretty much anyone I've spoken to through the journey of the Renters Reform Bill and anyone receiving our Eightfold Property Newsletter...

By James Hawley

Re-Introduction of Additional HMO Licensing

Brighton and Hove City Council have re-introduced their additional HMO Licencing Scheme for small HMO properties not included in the...

By James Hawley

Double Whammy for Empty Properties

Landlords, listen up! From 1st April this year, a new regulation came in relating to empty properties – a 100% council tax premium...

By James Hawley

Navigating the Maze: Essential Steps for Setting Up an Assured Shorthold Tenancy

So, you've got tenants lined up for your property. Congratulations! But before welcoming your first tenants through the door, it's...

By James Hawley

A Resurgent Market Peels Back the Winter Gloom

As we trade New Year's confetti for resolutions, a curious spark has ignited in the housing market. While whispers of uncertainty lingered...

By James Hawley

What's in Store for 2024?

As we draw to the end of another year, we always take time at Eightfold Property to reflect on the year that we've had, our successes...

By James Hawley

The Importance of Void Periods in Residential Tenancies

For landlords, the period between the end of one tenancy and the start of the next can be a source of concern. Known as "void periods,"...

By James Hawley

Eightfold Property Ranked Number One for Commercial Lettings in 2023

We are delighted to announce that Eightfold Property has been ranked number one for Commercial Lettings completed to date in 2023,...

By James Hawley

Watch this Space

At the start of the week, I finished working with Dan on our monthly newsletter update to send out, and we know that the hottest topic...

By James Hawley

They Think Its All Over...

On 28th February 2023, the Additional HMO Licensing Scheme in Brighton and Hove will come to an end. This scheme was introduced in...

By James Hawley

Website Relaunch

Here at Eightfold Property, we’re really pleased this week to be able to announce the relaunch of our refreshed and updated website...

By James Hawley

The Year in Film

For the last day of the year, I wanted to take a look at how far we’ve come to get to this point. To date, we have released 150...